The STEM+Computing Partnership (STEM+C) program seeks to integrate the use of computational approaches in K-12 STEM teaching and learning and understand how this integration can improve STEM learning, engagement, and persistence. Computational Thinking (CT) is a relatively new educational focus and a clear need for learners as a 21st century skill. This proposal tackles this challenging new area for young learners, an area greatly in need of research and learning materials. The Principal Investigators will develop and implement integrated STEM+C museum exhibits and integrate CT in their existing engineering design based PictureSTEM curriculum for K-2 students. They will also pilot assessments of the CT components of the PictureSTEM curriculum. This work will make a unique contribution to the available STEM+C learning materials and assessments. There are few such materials for the kindergarten to second grade (K-2) population they will work with. They will research the effects of the curriculum and the exhibits with a mixed methods approach.
Project Contributions
Examining Student and Teacher Talk Within Engineering Design in Kindergarten
"Quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences during the early years provide young learners with a critical foundation for future learning and development. Engineering design is a context that…
"Quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences during the early years provide young learners with a critical foundation for future learning and development. Engineering design is a context that…
Integrated STEM+CT for K-2 In and Out of School
Watch Video >> Our work focuses on integrating engineering design practices and computational thinking activities into a 7-day integrated STEM+literacy unit for grades K-2 and promoting additional STEM+C learning through…
Watch Video >> Our work focuses on integrating engineering design practices and computational thinking activities into a 7-day integrated STEM+literacy unit for grades K-2 and promoting additional STEM+C learning through…